Monday, January 30, 2012

“I was diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids” – Now I am pain free!

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, after consulting with my gynecologist, Dr. Mark Dwight of the Spectrum Women’s Health Group at Good Samaritan Hospital, we decided to try the “wait-and-see” approach. I changed my eating habits and incorporated a high-fiber diet with vitamin supplements on a daily basis, however, the fibroids grew and within 6 months from diagnosis I was faced with the dilemma of surgery.

The largest fibroid (the size of a grapefruit) was sitting on top of my bladder inhibiting proper bladder function. There were many other painful annoyances. Dr. Dwight assured me that whichever procedure I choose (i.e. myomectomy, partial hysterectomy, etc.), he would respect my decision and would also respect my wishes not to have blood used in my care. The staff in the Transfusion-Free Medicine & Surgery Center assured me of this also.

Within 18 hours of surgery, I was able to, with some assistance, shower, get into my own pajamas and walk around the nurses’ station. I was amazed to learn that I lost less than a half of cup of blood during surgery! One week after my procedure I was completely off my pain medication (motrin), and within two weeks I was able to walk about my home with ease. The discomfort I now feel can be likened to the tightness felt after doing sit- ups. my stomach feels tight and strong. This is very different from many women I’ve spoken with about their recovery after having the same procedure at other hospitals. Some of them stayed on heavy pain medication (i.e. Vicodin) for many weeks after surgery, bed-ridden for more than a month, even needing assistance to bathe, infections and re-opened incisions were not uncommon. None of this was my experience with Dr. Dwight and his staff.

Before my surgery, I was constantly drained of energy, since each of my four large to medium-sized fibroids had its own blood supply. I actually have more energy now than before, since the blood my fibroids were using is now aiding in the healing process. As I mentioned earlier, a healthy diet, both before and after your surgery can do wonders for your recovery time. Combine this with the state-of-the-art, transfusion-free techniques Dr. Dwight used for my procedure and you have a very happy ending to what is otherwise a scary beginning. I would like to again thank Dr. Mark Dwight, everyone at Good Samaritan Hospital and a special thanks to the admitting staff.

- Personal testimony from a Transfusion-Free Medicine & Surgery Center patient

For a referral to a Transfusion-Free Medicine & Surgery Center physician or surgeon please contact our office at (213) 482-2744 or via email

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